Sunday, November 10, 2013


The lighting is difficult here, I was at this point in socks and the porch was wet.

These first couple were taken at 5:45 at night

We have a beautiful, wet mess of frozen rain falling on us at this point.The children have watched it accumulate slowly and were delighted that there was enough to scrape up. As if they cant just wait a few days. We live in Ak.

Nathalie has new snow pants from mom, but will only wear Frank's coat. She has a nice coat of her own, but nothing will do but she wear his.She will put it in the dryer if it becomes wet and squat by the laundry room waiting for it.

Tad is still in a jacket. No coat for him yet.

They are loading their snow ball onto the toboggan.

Tad put the rope pull around himself and pulled it to their point. Not sure what they are making.

Such big fat flakes! The children are as delighted as children would be who had never seen snow.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Okay that was almost all nerf gun war with Tad hitting the darts away as they came at him. yes, he missed. Yes, that is his dirt bike helmet. The last 2 pictures, look what I did.

Mama says it looks holocaust. But I like their profiles, wish Bull's collar was off.

Our X is not centered. He is Zero, a mutant from x men. It was not Halloween, its the freedom of homeschool. Meaning, no school rules about fad hair do.

He is starting to look like a grown up...

I am fairly sure we cannot love this dog anymore and then the next day I love her even more. My heart races to come home and see her! I finally understand dog owners.

And this guy, it will break my heart to move away from him. We love him so much!

He stayed with us while his mom was on vacation.

Who am I kidding, he is here all the time anyway! Nathalie has taken to wearing Frank's clothes, hats and coats. She wears his winter coat instead of her own, all of the time. She sleeps in his t shirts, wears them all day usually. His socks. His winter hats. His wool shirts. She wont leave without an article of his on.

I think he is fairly lovely despite his arguments that he is NOT pretty.

"Hold it for me Tad. I am scared."

"You have monkey feet Nan."

"See you are doing it by your felch." Felch-family thing for self.

"No, Tad, get it! I lost my hat. Help."

Wednesday, October 30, 2013